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SWMM 5 Error Messages - Property Errors

SWMM 5 Error Messages - Property Errors

ERROR 108: ambiguous outlet ID name for Subcatchment xxx.

The name of the element identified as the outlet of a subcatchment belongs 

to both a node and a subcatchment in the project's data base.


ERROR 109: invalid parameter values for Aquifer xxx.

The properties entered for an aquifer object were either invalid numbers 

or were inconsistent with one another (e.g., the soil field capacity was higher than the porosity).


ERROR 110: ground elevation is below water table for Subcatchment xxx.

The ground elevation assigned to a subcatchment's groundwater parameters 

cannot be below the initial water table elevation of the aquifer object used by the subcatchment.


ERROR 111: invalid length for Conduit xxx.

Conduits cannot have zero or negative lengths.


ERROR 112: elevation drop exceeds length for Conduit xxx.

The elevation drop across the ends of a conduit cannot be greater than 

the conduit's length. 

Check for errors in the length and in both the invert elevations 

and offsets at the conduit's upstream and downstream nodes.


ERROR 113: invalid roughness for Conduit xxx.

Conduits cannot have zero or negative roughness values.


ERROR 114: invalid number of barrels for Conduit xxx.

Conduits must consist of one or more barrels.


ERROR 115: adverse slope for Conduit xxx.

Under Steady or Kinematic Wave routing, all conduits must have positive slopes.  

This can usually be corrected by reversing the inlet and outlet nodes of the conduit 

(i.e., right click on the conduit and select Reverse from the popup menu that appears). 

Adverse slopes are permitted under Dynamic Wave routing.


ERROR 117: no cross section defined for Link xxx.

A cross section geometry was never defined for the specified link.


ERROR 119: invalid cross section for Link xxx.

Either an invalid shape or invalid set of dimensions was specified for a link's cross section.


ERROR 121: missing or invalid pump curve assigned to Pump xxx.

Either no pump curve or an invalid type of curve was specified for a pump.


ERROR 131: the following links form cyclic loops in the drainage system.

The Steady and Kinematic Wave flow routing methods cannot be applied to systems 

where a cyclic loop exists (i.e., a directed path along a set of links that begins 

and ends at the same node). 

Most often the cyclic nature of the loop can be eliminated by reversing the direction of 

one of its links (i.e., switching the inlet and outlet nodes of the link). 

The names of the links that form the loop will be listed following this message.


ERROR 133: Node xxx has more than one outlet link.

Under Steady and Kinematic Wave flow routing, a junction node can have 

only a single outlet link.


ERROR 134: Node xxx has illegal DUMMY link connections.

Only a single conduit with a DUMMY cross-section or Ideal-type pump can be 

directed out of a node; a node with an outgoing Dummy conduit 

or Ideal pump cannot have all of its incoming links be Dummy conduits and Ideal pumps; 

a Dummy conduit cannot have its upstream end connected to a storage node.


ERROR 135: Divider xxx does not have two outlet links.

Flow divider nodes must have two outlet links connected to them.


ERROR 136: Divider xxx has invalid diversion link.

The link specified as being the one carrying the diverted flow from a flow divider node 

was defined with a different inlet node.


ERROR 137: Weir Divider xxx has invalid parameters.

The parameters of a Weir-type divider node either are non-positive numbers 

or are inconsistent 

(i.e., the value of the discharge coefficient times the weir height raised to the 3/2 power 

must be greater than the minimum flow parameter).


ERROR 138: Node xxx has initial depth greater than maximum depth.



ERROR 139: Regulator xxx is the outlet of a non-storage node.

Under Steady or Kinematic Wave flow routing, orifices, weirs, and outlet links 

can only be used as outflow links from storage nodes.


ERROR 141: Outfall xxx has more than 1 inlet link or an outlet link.

An outfall node is only permitted to have one link attached to it.


ERROR 143: Regulator xxx has invalid cross-section shape.

An orifice must have either a CIRCULAR or RECT_CLOSED shape, while a weir must have 



ERROR 145: Drainage system has no acceptable outlet nodes.

Under Dynamic Wave flow routing, there must be at least one node designated as an outfall.


ERROR 151: a Unit Hydrograph in set xxx has invalid time base.

The time base of a Unit Hydrograph cannot be negative and if positive, 

must not be less than the recording interval for its rain gage.


ERROR 153: a Unit Hydrograph in set xxx has invalid response ratios.

The response ratios for a set of Unit Hydrographs (the short-, medium-, 

and long-term response hydrographs) must be between 0 and 1.0 and 

cannot add up to a value greater than 1.0


ERROR 155: invalid sewer area for RDII at Node xxx.

The sewer area contributing RDII inflow to a node cannot be a negative number.


ERROR 156: inconsistent data file name for Rain Gage xxx.

If two Rain Gages use files for their data sources and have the same Station IDs 

then they must also use the same data files.


ERROR 157: inconsistent rainfall format for Rain Gage xxx.

If two or more rain gages use the same Time Series for their rainfall data 

then they must all use the same data format (intensity, volume, or cumulative volume).


ERROR 158: time series for Rain Gage xxx is also used by another object.

A rainfall Time Series associated with a Rain Gage cannot be used by another object 

that is not also a Rain Gage.


ERROR 159: recording interval greater than time series interval for Rain Gage xxx.

The recording time interval specified for the rain gage is greater than the smallest 

time interval between values in the Time Series used by the gage.


ERROR 161: cyclic dependency in treatment functions at Node xxx.

An example would be where the removal of pollutant 1 is defined as a function of the removal 

of pollutant 2 while the removal of pollutant 2 is defined as a function of the removal of pollutant 1.


ERROR 171: Curve xxx has its data out of sequence.

The X-values of a curve object must be entered in increasing order.


ERROR 173: Time Series xxx has its data out of sequence.

The time (or date/time) values of a time series must be entered in sequential order.


ERROR 181: invalid Snow Melt Climatology parameters.

The ATI Weight or Negative Melt Ratio parameters are not between 0 and 1 

or the site latitude is not between -60 and +60 degrees.


ERROR 182: invalid parameters for Snow Pack xxx.

A snow pack's minimum melt coefficient is greater than its maximum coefficient; 

the fractions of free water capacity or impervious plowable area are not between 0 and 1; 

or the snow removal fractions sum to more than 1.0.


ERROR 183: no type specified for LID xxx.

A named LID control has layers defined for it but its LID type was never specified.


ERROR 184: missing layer for LID xxx.

A required design layer is missing for the specified LID control.


ERROR 185: invalid parameter value for LID xxx.

An invalid value was supplied for an LID control's design parameter.


ERROR 187: LID area exceeds total area for Subcatchment xxx.

The area of the LID controls placed within the subcatchment is greater than 

that of the subcatchment itself.


ERROR 188: LID capture area exceeds total impervious area for Subcatchment xxx.

The amount of impervious area assigned to be treated by LID controls in the subcatchment 

exceeds the total amount of impervious area available.


ERROR 191: simulation start date comes after ending date.



ERROR 193: report start date comes after ending date.



ERROR 195: reporting time step is less than routing time step.

